Island Award & Resource Data

Today, the recently developed web-based IOTA software program replacing the old IOTAMEM application process has resolved a myriad of problems.  A multinational team has restructured the entire award to streamline management, reduce QSLing costs, and simplify applications by matching ClubLog and LOTW  QSOs yet retaining the challenge of working islands and achieving IOTA award goals. Click on the IOTA Checkpoint Information page to obtain detailed information on the present application process.

There is no charge to gain access to the IOTA program, develop your personal database including inserting confirmed islands into your private IOTA list but you must first register on the IOTA website. The website provides detailed information on rules, valid islands and their IOTA number and call sign details of prior operations. The only fees you will be charged is when you elect to obtain an award. I know you will find the present process much better and easier to use and will allow you to examine your database quickly.

The Islands Award and Additional Award links above are two additional pages containing sources of major island awards and key links to aid in successful island hunting. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in your island hunting efforts.

The photo below was obtained during an ARI convention when a few of us visited Marconi’s Radio Station near Bologna.